Binary numbers and Basic numbers

Welcome everybody to an other tutorial.Today we are going to talk about binary numbers and basic numbers.

A basic number is the number of values that are showed by using only one digit.Every digit increase the number of values.

The decimal system is a calculating system with base 10.This system can show 10 values with one digit and 100 values with two digits and 1000 values with three digits.For example for the number 3274 we can do this

3 x 1000 + 2 x 100 +7×10+4×1=3274

Every digit has 10 time more values.

The binary codes are the most basic level,so computers understand only two values:

electrics signals are on and off  .There are only two values so computers look only values with a base with only two values or a binary base.Every digit is 1 or 0 and every digit is two times higher than the digit before.For example number 241 on binary codes will be solved like this:


So 241 on binary system is 11110001

As we see we have use a 128 bit system for decoding this information.We can talk about this in an other tutorial.

The last system for this tutorial is the hexadecimal. When on the computer programs are used numbers they use base 16,because they can be translated  on a binary system.Numbers by 0-9 use symbols and numbers by 10-16 uses words A-F.

For the number 241 the binary was 11110001  in hexadecimal  will be:


If we divide the in four bits 1111 and 0001

We can take the first bits and lets analyse:


As we see the result is 15 but on hexadecimal is translated to F

And the last four bits:



The result is 1 and on hexdecimal is translated to 1

So 11110001 is translated to F1.

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